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Newbury Elementary asked RBCTC Gaming, Animation, and Web Design to create 3D models for ideas they had on a sustainability project they were proposing to the school board. So, I made a greenhouse using 3Ds Max, which I later made into a walk through by using a free camera.

Newbury Elementary Sustainability Project

I made this by first getting the human body mesh from mud box and exporting it to 3ds max where I then rigged it to a skeleton. After that I attached the skin and painted weights on the person so that the movments would be more natural. I then turned it into a character and taking it off figure mode so the character attributes would work before using auto key to make the walking frames before making a camera follow
the character. After I put it into Adobe premiere and made a title page and added a glare on the camera screen view.

3Ds Max Walking Cycle

Kovu Lip Sync

This is my first lip sync I've ever made and I made it using Adobe Flash 3.0. I Also used the bamboo tablet to get the mouths and the eye blinks/ ear movement that I wanted. I used the quote from Fullmetal Alchemist when Edward Elric figures out the Shou Tucker is a monster. I decideed to make Kovu from Lion King II to do the lip sync. I hope you like.

I first made this in skulptris to make the basic squid shape and then transferred it to mud box. I added more detail here and then painted my character befiore creating ambient, displacement, normals, and paint layer maps before transferring it then to 3Ds max where I bone rigged it, made a plane, and created an animation.  My beginning squid sketch is below.

I made a tutorial video using 3Ds Max to show how to use my clients invention called a Wisdom Stove. I also made video recordings that gave detailed directions on how to use the wisdom stove and made multiple videos that matched these recordings. After this I took the recordings and the videos and imported them into Adobe Premiere where I put the movie together.

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